Where to Find Help
Administration on Aging – a wide ranging source of information on aging sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. | www.aoa.dhh.gov |
Embracing our responsibility to support the community with courage, love, and honesty, increasing the quality of life. | www.snala.org |
Aging and Disability Resource Center of Broward County – Information regarding services in Broward County available for seniors, persons with severe and persistent mental illness, ages 18 and over, their families, and caregivers. | www.adrcbroward.org |
Alzheimer’s Association – The largest national voluntary health organization supporting Alzheimer’s research and care. | www.alz.org |
American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging – A national association committed to advancing the vision of healthy, affordable, ethical long-term care for America . The association represents 5,600 mission-driven, not-for-profit nursing homes, continuing care retirement communities, assisted living and senior housing facilities, and community service organizations. | www.aahsa.org |
American Association of Retired Persons – A nonprofit, non partisan membership organization for people over 50. | www.aarp.org |
American Health Care Association – A non-profit federation of affiliated state health organizations representing the long term care community to the nation at large – to government, business leaders, and the general public. | www.ahca.org |
American Parkinson Disease Association, Inc. – A comprehensive resource for those interested in Parkinson’s Disease, treatments of Parkinson’s Disease, current medical breakthroughs, and support group for Parkinson’s Disease | www.apdaparkinson.org |
Broward County Senior Living Resource Guide – A resource for those interested in locating an ideal living assisted living environment in the Broward County, Florida area. | www.browardcountyseniorliving.com |
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services – A valuable resource with information on all of the Medicare and Medicaid programs. | cms.hhs.gov |
Department of Veterans Affairs – Official government site for American Veterans, their spouses, survivors and dependants . | www.va.gov |
Elder Life Planning – A resource library to find out about the latest news in long term health care, care management, elder law, and retirement housing alternatives. | www.ElderLifePlanning.com |
Florida Agency for Health Care Administration – A resource guide for those interested in researching health care: the current providers, facilities, insurance, and current issues. | www.fdhc.state.fl.us |
Florida Council on Aging – A statewide network of professionals in aging committed to serving Florida ‘s diverse aging interests through education, information-sharing and advocacy. | www.FCOA.org |
Florida Department of Elder Affairs – A resource for those interested in researching every aspect, including the nuances of care for the elderly. | www.elderaffairs.state.fl.us |
Florida Department of Health – Allows you to look up information on individual medical providers such as physicians, home helath aides, nurses, etc. | www.doh.state.fl.us |
Florida Medical Association – An advocate for physicians and their patients to promote the public health, to ensure high standards in medical education and ethics, and to enhance the quality and availability of health care. | www.FMAOnline.org |
Florida State Guardianship Association – Dedicated to promoting the protection, dignity, and value of incapacitated persons through a code of ethics, advocacy, and the dissemination of information. | www.FloridaGuardians.com |
Healthfinder – A Federal Website that links to carefully selected information and Web sites from over 1,800 health-related organizations. | www.healthfinder.org |
Last Acts – A national Coalition to improve care and caring near the end of life. | www.lastacts.org |
Medicare – The official U.S. Government site for People with Medicare. | www.medicare.gov |
MedLine – An extensive collection of published medical information form The National Library of Medicine. | www.nlm.nih.gov |
National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys – A resource of information, education, networking and assistance to those who must deal with the many specialized issues involved with legal services to the elderly and disabled. | www.naela.com |
Premier Mobile Health Solutions – Premier MHS is an HMO based primary care practice, physician-driven, Clinically Integrated System (CIS) that brings together providers from across Florida to create a healthier population by offering coordinated, effective care to our patients. | www.premiermhs.com |
National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers – A non-profit, professional organization of practitioners whose goal is the advancement of dignified care for the elderly and their families. | www.caremanager.org |
The National Center on Elder Abuse – A consortium of six partners who provide elder abuse information to professionals and the public. | www.elderabusecenter.org |
National Council on Aging – Dedicated to promoting the dignity, self-determination, well being, and contributions of older persons. | www.ncoa.org |
National Family Caregivers Association – A grass roots organization created to educate, support, empower and speak up for the millions of Americans who care for chronically ill, aged or disabled loved ones. | www.nfcacares.org |
National Guardianship Association – Promotes a nationally recognized standard of excellence in guardianship. | www.guardianship.org |
National Stroke Association – A resource for those interested in researching the causes of strokes, support groups, current events, and medical breakthroughs for strokes | www.stroke.org |
Senior Helpers – Specializing in personal and companion in-home care for seniors. Licensed, Bonded and Insured and proudly serving Fort Lauderdale, Pompano Beach, Boca Raton, and surrounding areas. Debbie Shampanere, Director of Client Care can be reached at: (954) 707-5030; tollfree 1-866-943-9414 or via email at: gshampaner@seniorhelpers.com |
www.seniorhelpers.com/location |
The Nurses Guild Home Health Agency – Providing Exceptional Home Health Care throughout Broward and the Palm Beaches | www.thenursesguild.com |